Thursday, March 29, 2007

Rakyat Berbagai Bangsa
Sambut Mahathir Di Kulai

KULAI, JOHOR, 29 Mac 2006: “Taufan dah mula melanda Malaysia.” Begitulah kesimpulan reaksi kepada ucapan Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, di Dewan Seri Puteri, di sini petang ini.

Tun Dr Mahathir menyampaikan satu ucapan yang disifatkan sebagai luarbiasa kerasnya itu di satu majlis Forum Rakyat anjuran UMNO Cawangan Kulai Besar di sini. Lebih kurang 500 rakyat berbilang keturunan menghadiri majlis tersebut.

Dalam ucapannya, Tun Dr Mahathir membuat beberapa tuduhan secara spesifik dan terbuka. Beliau juga menyebut nama-nama individu berpangkat besar yang didakwa sebagai korup serta mengamalkan kronisme dan sebagainya.

Antara lain-lain tuduhannya adalah mengenai wujudnya pihak yang jadi talibarut kepada sebuah negara jiran dan juga sesetengah pihak yang mendukung kepentingan zionis di Malaysia.

Datuk Paduka Ibrahimn Ali yang turut menghadiri forum berkenaan mengirimkan reaksi beliau menerusi SMS kepada saya seperti berikut:

“Ucapan Tun Mahathir hari ni dahsyat. Tun Mahathir nampaknya dah bersedia dipecat daripada UMNO. Tun Mahathir buat tuduhan secara terbuka dan sebut nama satu persatu.”

“Ucapan Tun Mahathir hari ini paling keras dan lantang. Saya terkejut mendengarnya. Dulu tak pernah sebut nama. Perli-perli aje. Hari ini ucapan Tun lebih keras dan terbuka. Taufan dah mula melanda Malaysia,” katanya lagi.

Bagaimanapun, Datuk Paduka Ibrahim tidak menghuraikan apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan kenyataannya bahawa “taufan dah mula melanda Malaysia.”

Mungkinkah Datuk Paduka Ibrahim membayangkan bahawa Tun Dr Mahathir akan memulakan satu siri kritikan terbukannya yang baru terhadap Datuk Abdullah Ahmad dan keluarganya?

Sementara itu, Tun Mahathir dijangka menghadiri satu majlis Syarahan Perdana oleh YBM Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah yang bertajuk Visi Dan Falsafah Pembangunan Tun Razak dan Kepentingan DEB, di Dewan Kuliah Akademi Islam, Universiti Malaya, esok, 30 Mac 2007, jam 3.00 petang.

Tun Dr Mahathir dijangka turut berucap di majlis itu. Menurut seorang sahabat, Tun Mahathir juga dijangka membuat satu kenyataan yang mengejutkan di majlis tersebut. – Ruhanie Ahmad.



Sdr Ron,

Saya ada di situ. Ucapan Tun M tidaklah sekeras digambarkan. Ia lebih berupa kupasan pelbagai peristiwa, khasnya yang menyentuh rakyat Johor, kedaulatan dan keselamatan negara serta perhubungan dengan Singapura.

Beliau bersoal-jawab dengan khalayak mengenai perjanjian air, Jambatan Bengkok, masalah ekonomi Melayu, Cina dan India, ancaman membenarkan orang luar masuk ke kawasan tertentu di Johor tanpa pasport.

Bukan saja orang Singapura boleh keluar masuk dengan bebas, kata Tun M, orang Israel pun boleh dan seorang hadirin menambah penyangak, penyamun dan lanun pun boleh turut keluar-masuk.

Tun kata Umno, khasnya Pemuda, sudah hilang keberanian dan menyamakan dakwaan bahawa rakyat Johor tolak jambatan bengkok dengan dakwaan Bush,Blair dan Howard bahawa Iraq ada weapon of mass destruction (WMD).

Dia kata kalau nak tahu sentimen sebenar rakyat Johor, adakan pungutan suara.

Dia kata susah nak berbaik-baik dan memujuk Singapura. Tapi kerajaan sekarang baik dengan Singapura dan di masa yang sama takut kepada negara itu. Dan ini diambil kesempatan oleh Singaoura.

Laporan Malaysia-Today dan Malaysiakini agak lengkap.

Terima kasih.

Sharifah Rashidah bt. Syed Ahmad said...

Sdr Ron,
Saya serta ramai lagi rakyat Malaysia amat merindui kepimpinan TDM. Kita sememangnya merasa very secured semasa kepimpinannya. Tetapi sekarang kebanyakan kita rasa seperti sudah tiada tempat perlindungan, sudah tiada tempat untuk bergantung dan keadaan sekarang amatlah menakutkan. Saya rasa seperti kehidupan kita akan sentiasa terancam terutama sekali oleh Israel Singapura. Kita harapkan pagar untuk melindungi kita daripada binatang buas, tetapi pagar itu nampaknya semakin reput dan akan runtuh tak berapa lama lagi jika tidak ada apa2 tindakan daripada kita.

Clark Gable of Pulau Duyong said...

Dato' Ron,
Maaf atas tulisan berbahasa Inggeris ,cuma mengatakan ulasan saya keatas keluhan TDM.

The article that I wrote “Pangkor Treaty In Johor” certainly coming out with a loud bang here.It does not take a great Statesman like TDM to diagnose the problem that is facing us now.
The ‘recurrence’ of the state of mind of our present leaders has all the recipe repeated as if the Pangkor Treaty was yesterday.

I was labelled as nationalist (am proud of that) ,when I said the rakyat didnt benefit from Pangkor Treaty,my present equivalent for all intent and purposes is all rakyat of Malaysia .The rakyat most probably be the spectator to massive economic activities as companies would be free to import cheap labours from Indonesia,India,Thailand ,Vietnam etc,and we are suppose to give them free asses.

I doubt very much S’pore would extend similar free asses to these foreign workers as expected of us in IDR.Basically its only one way traffic.

When the famous ball bearing maker SKF was scouting for locations for their expansion,the choice was between Malaysia and S’pore.They decided on Malaysia for the Malaysia’s ability to provide ample land ,cheaper labour and good infrastructure to which S’pore was certainly unable to compete.To counteroffer ,the Goverment of S’pore was willing to offer a grant of SD200 million to win them over.To a big company like SKF the amount was not tempting enough to compromise their initial needs.Malaysian won it and you can see the establishment now as you drive along KL-Seremban Highway.

The point is we are playing chess with S’pore,the move by Tan Sri Kuok to transfer all his plantation asset to S’pore,i believe was goaded by S’pore goverment.Our chess player thought they have been checkmated!! They must have thought that this is the begining of exodus of Malysian companies to S’pore,not to be outdone they decided to give the game away and kowtow to S’pore.Tan Sri Kuok’s decision was made because S’pore offered him some good renumerations which Malaysian Goverment could have easily counteroffered.

If you have a friend ,keep them close,but an enemy keep them closer.S’pore who is our economic rival for upperstream economic opputurnities certainly need to be kept close.You need need to listen to their heartbeat.With problematic investments in China,Thailand and Indonesia their heartbeat certainly has increased to a higher tempo.Unfortunately our leader(singular)intrepretated it as an excitement not as fear.Thus decision was made to sleep with the enemy.

So Malaysia lost it without a fight.

Looking back in how S’pore manage to do all that is very easy.I liken it to an old, many time ditched lady of suspected repute,being marketed to a affable young man like Malaysia.People like 3K and a P would whisper many superlative traits found in this lady,conveniently ignoring the ugly past in the way she treated most suitors.Daily whispers become inner thoughts and inner thoughts made decisions to sign the treaty.

Whats wrong is that to keep in competitions with S’pore? Isnt that the mantra the Goverment been telling everyone to be ready to compete?If that is so why is The Goverment ever so ready to surrender?I know the answer why,because the Goverment is UMNO and UMNO of today decided that The whole of Malaysian cant compete as they themselves find it hard to compete.UMNOputras been a rental seekers for so long and to them they just see the opening of IDR as a huge place to collect rents for their own consumption.

Am I been proven right? Of course I am as I dont hear anymore voice from UMNO the old,the youth and the puteris.They surrendered like Red Indian on the Western Movies of John Wayne’s era.Displaced and roaming always looking for greener pasture where bison are aplenty .Their future generation would soon be begging for food on their ownland.I dare you to prove me wrong UMNO,speak up!!!

Only a few Johorean were loud enough ,BigDg and Dato’Ron to name a few.
Isnt it not Johor was the place as UMNO birthplace?When the bastion crumble ,the rest would be easy pickings

Is dignity not worth fighting for anymore?

Anonymous said...

Saudara A Kadir Jasin, Highflyer & Clark Gable of Pulau Duyong:

Terima kasih.
Datuk Kadir, thank you for the update on TDM in Kulai.
Highflyer, thank you for the honest and sincere feeling about TDM.
Clark Gable, thank you for the enlightening piece about Pangkor Tarty re-visited and its significance to th current scenario in IDR.
I wish more of us are willing to share their thoughts on the current sosio-economic and political developmnets shaping up in IRD.
Personally, I believe, it is the beginning of and end. And, it is really very very sad when people like you all and I are being regarded as misfits with obsolete views and minds.
AS Johoreans, our
But, yes, while we do submit ourseleves to GOD, our fights and struggles have to go on and on!!! Selamat Berjuang dan Selamat Majujaya.- RON

Anonymous said...

Please read as Pangkor Treaty ...

syed syahrul zarizi b syed abdullah said...

Saya tertunggu-tunggu apa yang musa hitam dan sharir akan katakan kelak

Berita dari gunung said...

Ada sesuatu yang tidak kena dengan SJER (nama lama). Gesaan Musa Hitam tentang kewajaran mengenepikan prioriti Bumiputra juga mengundang spekulasi. Rupa-rupanya SJER ini rumit!

Hasrat SJER tidak "noble" sebagaimana dicanang. Ungkapan "ini plan saya" adalah secara spesifik, satu kepertanggungjawaban. Mungkin Musa Hitam perlu berdiam diri saja.

Benarkanlah yang berkata "ini plan saya", menyemak dan memikir semula sama ada SJER itu masih "plan saya".