Kesungguhan Datuk Seri Mohd. Najib Tun Razak untuk memperkasakan semula kerajaan, BN dan UMNO wajar diterjemahkan menjadi kenyataan dengan seberapa segera – wujudkan satu kumpulan negarawan ulung untuk menasihati kerajaan dari semasa ke semasa dengan Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad sebagai pengerusinya.
Kumpulan negarawan ulung ini pula wajar diberikan skop tugasan yang jelas dan komprehensif termasuk berinteraksi dengan generasi muda, professional, anggota akademik, pelajar, wakil pekerja dan wakil-wakil masyarakat akar umbi – termasuk nelayan dan petani -- tanpa mengira kaum. – Ruhanie Ahmad
Tun Mahathir suntik semangat
KUALA LUMPUR 29 Mac - Keputusan Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad untuk kembali menyertai UMNO boleh memberi lonjakan semangat baru kepada ahli-ahli parti itu.
Profesor Politik dan Pengajian Antarabangsa Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM), Prof. Dr. Mohamed Mustafa Ishak berkata, langkah Dr. Mahathir itu dilihat akan mengembalikan semula ahli-ahlinya yang telah 'lari' daripada UMNO sebelum ini.
"Ini kerana Dr. Mahathir adalah ikon kepada rakyat terutama generasi muda. Mereka yang merasa sinis dan ragu dengan UMNO setelah apa yang berlaku sebelum ini mungkin akan mengubah sikap itu dan mengikut jejak Mahathir," katanya kepada Utusan Malaysia di sini hari ini.
Beliau diminta mengulas mengenai perkembangan terbaru yang berlaku di dalam UMNO apabila bekas Perdana Menteri itu secara mengejut hadir pada Perhimpunan Agung UMNO ke-59 semalam dan mengumumkan akan menyertai semula UMNO.
Mohamad Mustafa berkata, penyatuan antara dua bekas Presiden UMNO di pentas UMNO semalam juga merupakan permulaan baik buat parti keramat orang Melayu itu.
"Ini semua adalah respons positif yang akan membuka ruang kepada UMNO untuk kembali diyakini rakyat," katanya.
Kumpulan negarawan ulung ini pula wajar diberikan skop tugasan yang jelas dan komprehensif termasuk berinteraksi dengan generasi muda, professional, anggota akademik, pelajar, wakil pekerja dan wakil-wakil masyarakat akar umbi – termasuk nelayan dan petani -- tanpa mengira kaum. – Ruhanie Ahmad
Tun Mahathir suntik semangat
KUALA LUMPUR 29 Mac - Keputusan Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad untuk kembali menyertai UMNO boleh memberi lonjakan semangat baru kepada ahli-ahli parti itu.
Profesor Politik dan Pengajian Antarabangsa Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM), Prof. Dr. Mohamed Mustafa Ishak berkata, langkah Dr. Mahathir itu dilihat akan mengembalikan semula ahli-ahlinya yang telah 'lari' daripada UMNO sebelum ini.
"Ini kerana Dr. Mahathir adalah ikon kepada rakyat terutama generasi muda. Mereka yang merasa sinis dan ragu dengan UMNO setelah apa yang berlaku sebelum ini mungkin akan mengubah sikap itu dan mengikut jejak Mahathir," katanya kepada Utusan Malaysia di sini hari ini.
Beliau diminta mengulas mengenai perkembangan terbaru yang berlaku di dalam UMNO apabila bekas Perdana Menteri itu secara mengejut hadir pada Perhimpunan Agung UMNO ke-59 semalam dan mengumumkan akan menyertai semula UMNO.
Mohamad Mustafa berkata, penyatuan antara dua bekas Presiden UMNO di pentas UMNO semalam juga merupakan permulaan baik buat parti keramat orang Melayu itu.
"Ini semua adalah respons positif yang akan membuka ruang kepada UMNO untuk kembali diyakini rakyat," katanya.
Political Solution For Thai Conflict, Says Anwar
By D.Arul Rajoo
BANGKOK, March 30 (Bernama) -- Political solution and cultural space should be given priority over military operation in solving the Southern Thai conflict, Malaysian Opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said Monday.
He said while military intervention was necessary in some instances, the long term solutions would depend on how the Thai Government engaged with the local community
Orang Siam dengar ke cakap si Anwar kaki kelentong ni? kah, kah, kah !
Perdana Menteri Malaysia tahun 16hb Sept. 20........???
Biarkan Tun hidup dalam dunia persaraannya dan memberi pandangan secara bebas dan membina.
Malaysia tidak boleh lagi dipandu dan di adun dengan pemikiran Tun yang gemilang melepasi eranya.
Tiada kegemilangan dua kali.
Malaysia harus berjaya bukan kerana PM sahaja tetapi membina Malaysia bersama pembangkang dan rakyat seluruhnya.
Semua ada peranan.
selepas kepercayaan terhadap negara dan sesama bangsa telah dikorupkan dan dirosakkan oleh Pak Lah dan kroninya , Anwar dan pembangkang nya, bukan melayu dengan laungan haknya dan kumpulan kecil dengan rasisnya...
maka kehadiran Tun M walaupun dibenci atau tidak dihargai, adalah penting minda nya dan pengalamannya di ambil kira.
walaupun Pak Lah pernah dan masih lagi mengecewakan kita, tetapi kita masih berharap dia dapat menyumbangkan sesuatu utk kita.
Maka janganlah kita rasa seorang negarawan itu dan ini ada perbezaannya.
Sebagai org yang berilmu kita dengar dan kemudian kita pakai pendapat mereka yang boleh menolong memertabatkan semula bangsa kita.
Kluang Man you r right. Bayangkan jika DR M sudah tiada, apakah UMNO akan mengali kubur nya untuk miminta nasihat? Peranan DR M dari luar sudah memandai. Anggap kritikan DR sebagai sesuatu yang membina bukan sesuatu yang hina seperti di zaman Pak Lah
Saya kurang setuju Tun Mahathir di "formalisedkan" perlantikannya sebagai penasihat kerajaan. Adalah lebeh elok jika dia jangan terikat dengan mana-mana pihak.
Pada saya anggaplah Tun Mahathir sebagai "penghulu kampong" yang disegani oleh semua anak buahnya.
Sesiapa saja pemimpin UMNO atau kerajaan sama ada berkumpulan atau individu boleh berjumpa dengannya meminta pandangan dan nasihat darinya secara "informal".
Apabila sesuatu isu dibincangkan secara "informal" maka pandangan dan nasihat boleh disesuaikan mengikut keperluan dan keadaan tertentu tanpa "embarrasskan" mana-mana pihak apabila membuat keputusan tentang pelbagai isu. Jadi ada "flexibiliti" dalam segala hal yang nak diketengahkan.
Saya rasa adalah lebeh baik bagi Najib berjumpa dengan Tun M secara informal, minum kopi dengannya dan berbual-bual bertanya khabar sambil berbincang-bincang tentang hal ehwal negara. Sebagai Perdana Menteri ini adalah lebeh selesa dan practical dan tidak akan menimbul rasa "obligated" kepada Tun jika pandangan dan nasihatnya tidak diterima.
Once you make him as an official advisor to the government, Tun M is accountable for whatever proposals, actions or policies he innitiated. This could cause friction which could develop into sour relationship if not handle with care.
There are a lot of personal sensitivities to take into consideration when hanndling a statesman like Tun M.
Inilah pandangan ikhlas saya. We have to treat Tun M as a very special person and as "a leader of last resort".
Biarkan Tun hidup dalam persaraan dan memberi pandangan dari luar. Lebih 20 tahun memerintah, jika dikaji semula banyak dasar yang diperkenalkan oleh beliau memberi kesan yang negatif kepada rakyat kebanyakan dalam jangkamasa panjang. Sebagai manusia biasa, tidak semua yang diperkatakan oleh beliau benar dan perlu diikuti. Tidak perlu taksub.
Tun sebenarnya menunggu kabinet baru bakal PM Najib. Saya percaya beliau akan masuk samula UMNO sekiranya kabinet baru Najib tidak termasuk nama KJ.
Tun ibarat quran buruk yang tidak boleh dibuang. Tinggi nilainya. Patut diletak ditempat yang tinggi sebagai menghormatinya. Ianya sudah menjadi bahan sejarah.Ditelan mati mak, dibuang mati bapak (Dalam UMNO?).
Kekuatan UMNO sekarang bukan pada Tun Mahathir tetapi pada kredibiliti dan integriti pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO itu sendiri.
Jangan war war kan sekarang tentang cadngan perlantikan TUN ,,kerana Pak Lah akan melengah-lengahkan penyerahan jawatan PM nanti....
Pembangunan negara bukan sahaja perlu merentasi sempadan kelompok kaya miskin, bangsa, agama juga perlu mengabaikan fahaman politik.
Politik hanyalah wadah perjuangan. Sedangkan matlamat perjuangan adalah untuk mewujudkan sebuah negara yang aman, makmur dan sejahtera. Matlamat ini perlu dikongsi bersama.
1. Kesilapan Mahathir ialah beliau selalu berfikiran hanya dia saja yang boleh memimpin Malaysia.
2. Dia sendiri dah tak sihat macam mana nak jadi Penasihat.
3. Takkan baki 25 juta rakyat Malaysia, semuanya bodoh-bodoh belaka kot..?
Salam Ron,
Biarlah Tun DM bersara dan diluar KERAjaan, sekiranya berada didalam KERAjaan payah pulak nak pulas telinga Najib bila buat salah.
Sekarang lebih baik...
Dear Dato
Saya tak setuju Tun menjadi penasihat kerajaan. Macamana sayang dan hormatnya saya pada Tun sebagai negarawan terbilang, saya rasa biarlah beliau berehat dan bersara dengan tenang, sementelah pula dia tentunya merasa gembira apabila negara kini berada di bawah kepimpinan yang boleh diharapkan. Semua rakyat kini menaruh harapan kepada DSN untuk melakukan sesuatu dan membawa Malaysia kembali kemercu kecemerlangan. Bukan sekadar retorik dan cakap-cakap kosong seperti yang sebelum ini dilakukan oleh Pak Lah. Tun boleh memberi pandangan tetapi janganlah beliau dibebankan dengan tugas. Kita harus 'mobilise' dan 'capitalise' golongan Melayu cendekiawan yang masih muda yang telah ramai dilahirkan di zaman Tun. Gunakan aset berharga ini dan serapkan dalam UMNO. Beri mereka peluang untuk mencurahkan idea dan melaksanakan strategi dengan dibantu ahli UMNO lama. Ramai profesional di luar sana yang mahu menjadi ahli UMNO tetapi dihalang oleh 'warlord' dan 'little nepoleon' UMNO. Mereka takut orang bijak pandai mengambil alih jawatan mereka. Maka tidak hairan golongan pemuda UMNO ramai terdiri dari mereka yang tidak berpendidikan dan bepekerjaan tetap, yang begitu mudah menjadi ahli UMNO. Mereka hanya tahu menjerit 'HIDUP UMNO' tetapi bila disuruh berbahas semua lari ke belakang. Sebab ini bila Khairy muncul, mereka begitu kagum dan terlopong mendengar kepetahan dia, sedangkan sebenarnya ramai lagi yang bijaksana diluar sana yang tahu aspirasi orang Melayu dan UMNO secara keseluruhannya,yang ingin membawa perubahan dan perlu ditarik masuk dalam UMNO.
Seperti harapan dunia kepada Obama yang membawa 'hope' and 'Ideas' begitulah harapan rakyat Malaysia yang mahukan DSN membawa 'harapan' dan 'perubahan'.
All the best to DSN and TSM. Semoga team ini mampu membawa perubahan kepada UMNO yang selama ini dikongkong mereka yang sudah berkarat tetapi sentiasa ingin berkuasa, walaupun tahu diri langsung tidak ada daya kepimpinan atau tidak tahu memimpin sebenarnya dan hanya mahu beroleh kontrak kerajaan.
One of the greatest talents, presented to us was not appreciated by the Malays in particular and all Malaysians in general. Nobody cared or supported him, morally and financially, so that he could put Malaysia’s name on the world map. What he had done for the industry was for the love of it and not for any financially gains. Otherwise, he would have owned several properties and a great amount of wealth, before he left us. However after he passed away, everyone regretted and subsequently, prominent places were named after him. What is the use of doing this, after he had gone?
He was no other than our greatest film star, Allahyarham P Ramlee.
We now have with us the greatest statesman Malaysia has ever come across. To call him a politician is shameful, judging by the performance of many of the politicians in this modern world. In the olden days and in the eyes of the Romans and Greeks, politicians were elected to oversee the interest of the nation and its citizens. Unfortunately, many politicians of today look after their own interest first and totally ignore their responsibilities towards nation and people. Instead of adopting the Romans and Greeks perspective, more politicians adopted the colonial British philosophy of divide and rule. The end-result is what we see happening to this world of today. The poor becomes poorer and the rich become richer. Recession is rampant world-wide because of a greedy few.
For the love of Malaysia, UMNO and all Malaysians, irrespective of race and religion, Tun Dr Mohamed Mahatir, despite his age, has made a voluntary come-back to join UMNO. It is something, least expected, since most politicians after retirement would be wealthy enough to experience a Hollywood star life-style and travel round the world. The Tun could be one of those, if he elected to do so, while he was Prime Minister of Malaysia. However, it is not implied that he could not live comfortably and relax now from his money, derived through sweat and blood, while he was the leader of Malaysia.
While he was a leader, no rational-thinking foreign leaders dared to challenge his philosophies to put Malaysia and her people on the world map.
It is now hoped that all Malays and also, all Malaysians should give him the support, so that he could assume the role of an advisor to UMNO in particular, and stay in the background to monitor the roles played by the respective ministers in charge of economy and defence.
Especially in UMNO, there are many ‘musuh dalam selimut’ representing the interest of opposition parties with a hidden agenda. Needless to say, not only the Malays will not vote for UMNO but the other Malaysians will not want UMNO to be the back-bone of Malaysian politics, especially after witnessing certain prominent members of UMNO were vote-buying in broad day-light. Usually, bribery and corruption are committed under the cover of darkness, which made them difficult to detect. However to practice this unethical conduct openly is surely cynical and indeed, it is designed to create fear amongst potential UMNO voters. Definitely, there must be several wolves in a sheep’s clothing lurking around – ‘Musang Berjanggut & Company’ and the leader is a notoriously known figure.
The Malays in particular and all Malaysians in general have to discard, once and for all, the mentality of allowing the blind to lead the blind. It is always good to be reminded that most of the leaders of today are not blind when it comes to the opportunity of plundering the country’s wealth and kowtowing to wealthier countries, so that they can share the loot.
Tun Mahathir patut dilantik sebagai pengerusi Lembaga Disiplin UMNO keran yg sekarang ini dah tak bertaring lagi.
Salam Dato...
Maaf..Anak Jawe tumpang singgah..!!
How far this is possible, only time will tell. Macam juga kita tegur anak-anak kita, puas membebel, puas meleter pun tak menjadi orang yang boleh diharapkan.. The old man, no matter how wise he is;... but now it's the generation of 'semuanya nak sampai ke lutut'. Every Tom, Dick and Harry wants that slice of cake..!!!
Now it's the generation of who you know, who you kow-tou to or who you give your backside too..!! Just look at Sudan..!! Palestine..!! Afghanistan..!!..and many more, NO Muslim nation lift a finger...(funny though, it's Hugo Chevez..!!!..)
Salam Datuk,
Saya cukup kagum dengan Tun Dr. Mahathir. Namun sebaik-baik berilah ruang kepada DS Najib membentuk sebuah kerajaan tanpa Tun. Dengan pengalaman yang cukup luas saya yakin DS Najib mampu membentuk sebuah kerajaan yang cukup mantap.
Gandingan Tun dan DS Abdullah sebagai penasihat tidak rasmi kepada DS Najib sudah memadai. DS Najib perlu diberi ruang yang mencukupi bagi membina semula keyakinan rakyat terdapat UMNO/BN.
Saya yakin TS Muhyiddin akan memainkan peranannya sesuai sebagai orang kedua terpenting dalam kerajaan.
As'kum Datuk,
1. Saya bersetuju jika DS Najib melantik TDM sebagai Penasihat Kerajaan jika ia adalah dalam erti kata Penasihat yang sebenar.Ini bermakna nasihat Tun mestilah didengari.Jika ia hanya semata-mata untuk tujuan politik semata-mata, eloklah tidak perlu dilantik. Janganlah nsihat beliau hanya diterima jika ia memberi keuntungan politik sahaja tapi menolak jika tidak mendatang keuntungan politik. Ini akan hanya menjatuhkan maruah Tun sahaja.
2. Daripada melantik Tun sebagai Penasihat tanpa tugas khusus eloklah melantik beliau sebagai Pengarah MTEN yang sudah tentu banyak yang boleh disumbangkan bagi mengerak semula ekonomi negara yang sedang tenat ini.
One of Pak Lah's mistakes (one of many,many,many) was to try to dismantle whatever TDM built and then tried to run him down. Maybe he listened too much to "budak2 Anwar" and underestimated the silent ones who mostly adores TDM like a father. One insult thrown to TDM was like an insult thrown to them - that personal.
Even those who liked TDM half-heartedly, had an about-turn and loves him because as time goes by, TDM was proven right time and time again.
The last five years is an eye-opener to many people. Pak Lah weaknesses highlighted TDM's strengths even more. Suddenly so many people realized what they were missing someone - that grand ole man.
I have to disagree with Kluangman that "Malaysia tidak boleh lagi dipandu dan di adun dengan pemikiran Tun yang gemilang melepasi eranya." I don't think "pemikiran TDM melepasi eranya." Listen to his talks and writings and I don't think I, Kluangman and Dato' Ron combined can come within a mile.
The only think I could agree with is maybe we are expecting a bit too much from the man.
I think so many people would feel a bit calmer and more confident knowing TDM is around while Pak lah will make a lot of people nervous.
Keluangman adalah betul
Jika Tun Dr Mahathir campur tangan lagi dalam urusan kerajaan, Datuk Sri Najib juga akan menghadapi masalah, mungkin lebih besar masalah dari yang PakLah hadapi.
Kapal tidak boleh ada dua nakhoda. Berilah peluang Datuk Seri Najib mencontohi ayahndanya Tun Abdul Razak yang sangat gemilang dan cemerlang itu.
Orang dah bersara, bersaralah. Jangan kacau daun... lagi..
Dato Ron yang dihurmati ...
Cukuplah 22 tahu lampau rakyat Malaysia dengan ketakutan atas beberapa tindakan Dr M termasuklah menghikis kedaulatan Raja-Raja Melayu dan mencemar perlembagaan dengan mengamalkan PPSMI.
Kalau pun Dr. M tidak menjadi penasihat kerajaan Najib, pasti juga Najib akan menerima arah tunjuk Dr. M kerana Najib bergantung dengan idea Dr. M.
Bila Pak Lah mengadap DYMM Yang diPertuan Agong untuk serah kuasa pada Najib maka terjadilah:
2 X 5 = 5 X 2 = 5 + 5 = 10. Demikianlah nasib rakyat bawahan di Malaysia!
Kalau ingin melihat UMNO rebah dan kecundang pada PRU13 nanti, lantiklah Tun M sebagai Penasihat Kerajaan. Apa lagi yang akan di nasihatkannya selepas 22 tahun menjadi Perdana Menteri dan Presiden UMNO yang GAGAL memerangi rasuah, korup dan salah guna kuasa dalam UMNO dan Kerajaan.
Saya fikir lebih elok kita beri peluang Najib menunjukkan kebolehannya. Tidak perlulah dia sentiasa dinasihati oleh orang lain.
Kalau Mahathir hendak beri nasihat, biarlah beliau memberi nasihat secara bebas. Itu mungkin lebih baik untuk Najib, UMNO dan negara juga.
Pembaharuan yg Dato Najib kena buat antaranya ialah :
1. Tidak memberi persepsi pembangkang sebagai pertubuhan haram
2. Melantik profesional dalam pembangkang ke dalam agensi yg dapat menyumbang kepada negara. Cth, DAP Pulau Pinang melantik pemimpin gerakan untuk bersama membangunkan negeri.
3. DS Najib wajar menjadi pioneer dalam memulakan era kerjasama dgn parti pembangkang. Tidak mustahil BN juga akan menjadi pembangkang dalam peringkat nasional nanti.
4. Generasi tua dalam UMNO akan tetap dengan penentangan tegar terhadap pembangkang, sedangkan generasi muda di luar sana AMAT2 sgt membenci perlakuan ini.
Percayalah...rakyat akan lebih memberikan hati jika ini dapat direalisasi.
Salam Datuk,
Tun Mahathir jika dilantik sebagai penasihat, memanglah kena pd tempatnya. Pada era beliaulah negara ini maju, rakyat bersatu dan tidak hidup terhimpit, negara dipandang tinggi oleh dunia luar. Sebaliknya jika Pak Lah, apa nasihat yg boleh beliau beri. Beliau sendiri "dinasihat" berehat. Majoriti orang melayu sudah pun memberi beliau gelaran sebagai 'PUNAHSIHAT". Untuk berlaku adil,bukan Pak Lah tak baik, tetapi ketika era beliau, keputusan2 yg beliau buat,banyak yg tak baik dari yg baik. Kita percaya Najib sendiri kelihatan jauh lebih bijak dari beliau. Jadi apalah yg boleh diharapkan! Semua org tahu, cuma melayu mmg suka cakap berlapik. Tidak suka berterus terang! Demi untuk jaga air muka Pak Lah.
Suasana skg nampaknya akan berubah. Pengampu2 Pak Lah skg akan mula beralih arah mengampu Najib pulak. Tun Dr Mahathir skg sudah mula didekati dan dipuji2 oleh org yg kita tahu satu masa dulu, merekalah yg memperleceh beliau. Najib yg mmg bijak perlu bertambah bijak. Kaki2 pengampu ini hendaklah dinyahkan dari pentadbiran beliau.
Benarkah Azalina dan Rais letak jawatan???Berita tergempar di
If Pakatan Rakyat were to rule the Federal Government it would destroy the whole fabric of our multi-racial society. Everthing would be topsy-turvy. I just could not imagine how the Pakatan Rakyat would be able to move the country forward with 3 parties having extremely different political ideologies.One with questionable Islamic concept, one with Malaysian Malaysia concept and the last one NO concept at all except to champion a person to be like Sukarno.I don't think they could even accommodate each other given the chance to rule. The fact remains their existence now is like "marriage of convenience" which I am doubtful whether it would last.
So looking at the political scenario now, if the rakyat manage to fall into the trap of Pakatan Rakyat's sleek political manoeuvre, it would be disastrous to the well being of our society. I could foresee Malaysia would become a chaotic and failed state. Make no mistake about it.
Yes, some might think that I am crazy to have such a bleak analysis of the political future of this country but I still feel this situation would become a reality. Those who are not comfortable with my statement, I think they are in a state of denial. Best of luck to them. May God bless our future generation well being !!!
There are a lot things at stake especially our livelihood which we have built up and accumulated would end up becoming "ashes" if we are not careful in choosing our political masters.
I want to live in peace and harmony and only BN has the credentials to move this country forward. Yes, BN will deliver even though at the present moment BN is at its lowest ebb. It will definitely turnaround for the better.
Dari cakap pakbelalang orang lebih percaya cakap Anwar lagi. Ini adalah kenyataan. Jangan merendahkan pemikiran orang. Cermin diri sendiri dulu. Bagus sangat ke. Sampai kat mana tahap pakbelalang nie?. Setakat jaguh kampung, berkokok di kampung, jauh pangang dari api.
Didlm suasana ekonomi dunia yg parah ini Najib memerlukan orang saperti Tun Daim untuk menjadi penasihat ekonomi negara , dgn pengalaman dan wisdom TDM beliau dapat memberikan rangka stategi kpd Najib.
Tun M memang masih lagi penasehat kerajaan melalui Petronas ,cuma nasehat beliau tidak diminta olih AAB , MoF 2 dan budak budak Azman Mokhtar dari Khazanah
Tunku Razaleigh juga perlu diambil sebagai penasihat terutama nya projek koridor , beliau lebih hebat dari Zaini
Tun M juga bolih dilantik sebagai Pengerusi MSC yg menjadi lesu dibawah AAB
Malaysian Scientists Can Contribute To Antarctic Research
KUALA LUMPUR, April 1 (Bernama) -- Although a relatively new player on polar research, the extensive collaborations Malaysian scientists have established with international research groups has allowed the nation to be on par with other nations active in the field.
This is what we called MALAYSIA BOLEH! Rather than spending public funds to send Mat Rempits to the North Pole and made stupid stunt jump from the aeroplane and then came back claiming to be "heroes". What hero? Haprak heroes !!A "goblok" idea of Aziz who is now proudly just being elected as ahli Majlis Tertinggi UMNO. What a joke !!
Sdr Ruhanie Ahmad,
Pertanyaan Untuk Che Det Tun
(di situ rupanya keindahannya)
Memikirkan tentang Saham Amanah IMF dan matawang Bank Dunia dan Kapitalisma Wall Street
dan teknologi dollar euro, reminbi, yen dan dinar emas barulah mahu saya kirimkan salinan ini dengan salam takzim dikalongi sejuta maaf:
Of Lunatics, Weretigers And The Full Moon
(ever heard of ibu embun myth)
I would like to share a funny and fresh vogue spin:
U.S. reconciliation offer "lunatic": Taliban spokesman
By Sayed Salahuddin Sayed Salahuddin
11 mins ago
KABUL (Reuters) – Taliban insurgents reject a U.S. offer of "honorable reconciliation," a top spokesman said on Wednesday, calling it a "lunatic idea" and saying the only way to end the war was to withdraw foreign troops.
With the Afghan conflict now in its eighth year, NATO-led forces and the Taliban are locked in a bloody stalemate with violence set to rise further this year as more U.S. troops arrive and seek to contain the insurgency ahead of August elections.
President Barack Obama is redoubling U.S. efforts with more troops, more diplomatic effort and more economic assistance, but he has also already spoken of the need for an "exit strategy."
If the U.S. plan fails to show results, analysts say, time is on the Taliban side.
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told an international conference on Afghanistan on Tuesday that those members of the Taliban who abandoned extremism must be granted an "honorable form of reconciliation."
"This matter was also raised in the past," said Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid, referring to comments last month by Obama, who spoke of reaching out to moderate Taliban.
"They have to go and find the moderate Taliban, their leader and speak to them. This is a lunatic idea," Mujahid said by telephone from an unknown location.
Mujahid is one of two spokesman authorized to speak for the Taliban leadership council, headed by Mullah Mohammad Omar.
The 21,000 extra U.S. troops ordered by Obama to join the 70,000 foreign soldiers now fighting insurgents in Afghanistan showed the United States wanted the war to continue, Mujahid said, and the Taliban would keep fighting till they left.
"There is no other way. We want our freedom and respect for our independence," Mujahid said.
Swiftly ousted by U.S.-led forces in 2001 for harboring al Qaeda after the September 11 attacks, the Taliban regrouped and have steadily spread their attacks from their traditional support base in the south and east to areas closer to the capital.
NATO commanders admit that mainly British, Canadian and Dutch troops are locked in a stalemate in the south, unable to stop insurgent roadside and suicide bomb attacks without the active support of the population, while Taliban militants are incapable of overcoming Western troops in head-on battle.
Most of the new U.S. troops will be deployed in the south in an effort to break that stalemate, but while U.S. commanders say their forces, mainly in the east, are making progress against the insurgency, violence has risen steadily there too.
As Obama unveiled his new strategy he focused on the fight against al Qaeda and not allowing Afghanistan to again become a base for Osama bin Laden's group to attack the United States.
By doing so, Obama effectively changed the measure of success in Afghanistan from the Bush administration's goal of also defeating the Taliban and installing Western-style democracy.
Despite the Taliban's harsh rhetoric against foreign troops, the Islamist movement says it does not need al Qaeda support and has also toned down its criticism of the Afghan government.
The shifting stances offer a glimpse of what a possible peace deal may entail: Taliban repudiation of al Qaeda in return for a pledge to withdraw foreign troops.
But while moderate former Taliban officials have been involved in Saudi-sponsored talks to explore ways of opening dialogue with the insurgents, the Taliban are unlikely to engage in negotiations as long as they feel they are winning the war.
Strong indigenous security forces are a key to success in counter-insurgency, U.S. military doctrine states, and Obama said his new strategy would increase efforts to train Afghan forces and bring the Afghan army and police up to strength by 2011.
That date also coincides with the time by which, diplomats say, the Obama administration is likely to want to see results in Afghanistan -- a year before the next U.S. presidential election.
The Taliban meanwhile, do not have to win the war, analysts say. All they have to do is survive and wait for their opponents to lose the will to keep fighting.
(Writing by Jon Hemming; Editing by Jerry Norton)
terribly refreshing comments you have from very enlighted minds blinds me a hard core umno redneck
for an apologist mutant rapscallion princely, unlike your good self.
Being frank, I like to see UMNO lose out at Bukit Gantang and see how we UMNO will behave -(could tuanku show me his mystic stuffs, i wonder) - and how that could equate to Can UMNO get away with it - as the NATO in Iraq and Afghanistan and Chavez and Bashir - in a freaking lateral way of think out?
But, I would like to ask the good scribe is what your lazy thoughts are of the G20 summit and the bailing out of the too big to fail special ones?
Do you think it is a check mate for capitalism and the western currencies? (do you think i should invest in the swiss franc owning the baltics or the revaluation of the chinese and indian currencies? and will that be a multilevel marketing?)
Terima Kasih Yam teh o see at kopitiam to you, Pak Kadir!
ps if you think it is out of topic, the just use the trash bin would that be your wonderful suggestion, scribe and is there such a thing as 59% stalemate?
Kuda Kepang,
bukankah secara logisnya adalah
kerana islam itu sahajalah perjuangan orang islam
Mahathir dengan hegemoni baratnya
- ke mana kita sekarang,
wahai muslim?
kepada allah berserah
(laughing out loud:)
31 MARCH 2009
1. As co-host I would like to welcome everyone to this forum on the Gaza Genocide and the possible solution to the Palestinian problem. This is a forum on the rights of all Palestinians regardless of political affiliations. The internal politics of the Palestinian people is for them alone to resolve. Their humanitarian rights are the concern of the whole human race.
2. I know that many forums have been held recently and more will be held in the future concerning the injustice to and the sufferings of the Palestinian people under the brutal Israeli armed attacks and occupation over the last sixty years.
3. The recent wanton slaughter of innocent men, women and children in Gaza by Israel’s military, supported principally by the United States, Britain and the European Union is another sordid example of the brutality of the strong against the weak and illustrates also the double standards, hypocrisy and the failure by the international community to condemn the crimes committed by the most powerful military power in the Middle-East against the long suffering defenceless Palestinians.
4. Since the holocaust no one can criticise Israel without being labelled “anti-semite” or “anti-Jew”. To avoid such an accusation, I would like to invite you to consider an independent evaluation of the humanitarian crisis that is unfolding before us by a Jew.
5. I refer to the statements of the U.N. special rapporteur[3] for human rights in occupied Palestinian territory, former Princeton University law professor Richard Falk, who is a Jew.
6. He has unreservedly called the devastation of Gaza “a crime against humanity” and “a flagrant and massive violation of international humanitarian law as laid down in Article 33 of the Fourth Geneva Convention.” He has even called for “the International Criminal Court to investigate the situation, and determine whether the Israeli civilian leaders and military commanders responsible for the Gaza siege should be indicted and prosecuted for violations of international criminal law.”
7. While also condemning the actions of Hamas, Prof. Falk said that it cannot be cited as a justification for Israel’s[4] “imposition of a collective punishment of a life-and-health threatening character on the people of Gaza, and should not distract the U.N. or international society from discharging their fundamental moral and legal duty to render protection to the Palestinian people. A recent study reports that 46 percent of all Gazan children suffer from acute anemia. There are reports that the sonic booms associated with Israeli over-flights have caused widespread deafness, especially among children. Gazan children need thousands of hearing aids. Malnutrition is extremely high in a number of different dimensions and affects 75 percent of Gazans. There are widespread mental disorders, especially among young people without the will to live. Over 50 percent of Gazan children under the age of 12 have been found to have no will to live.”
8. This independent observation by a Jew should be enough to arouse our conscience, at the minimum to demand that all the relevant parties responsible for this despicable acts must be made accountable and brought before a special tribunal to answer for war crimes charges.
9. If the words of Mr Falk a Jew and a United Nations rapporteur are not enough, let me quote a report by AFP, headed “Israeli soldiers describe wanton killings of civilians”.
10. Datelined Jerusalem: the report said Israeli soldiers have described wanton killings of Palestinian civilians and destruction of property during the deadly 22-day Gaza Offensive, according to a journal published yesterday.
11. One soldier described the case of an Israeli sharpshooter who killed a Palestinian mother and her two children who had left their home on a path the troops had declared off limits, according to the journal of the Yitzhak Rabin pre-military academy.
12. The publication which quoted graduates of the colleges military preparation course, also cited the case of an elderly Palestinian woman killed as she was walking 100 meters from her home.
13. Soldiers also spoke of civilians being abused, acts of vandalism, of destruction of homes. – AFP.
14. There can be no more doubt of the brutality of the Israeli military in Gaza.
15. It is therefore most appropriate that this forum in London should deal with the injustice against the Palestinians which has its origins in Britain.
16. We have short memories, and over the years the original perpetrators of this cruel injustice have been forgotten.
17. It is time that we revisit the history relating to the founding of Israel in 1948.
18. But before I do so may I remind everyone of the fundamental tenets of the English Common Law which says that: “Justice Must Not Only Be Done, It Must Be Seen To Be Done.”
19. How often has this been quoted and preached especially here in Britain. But has it always been upheld?
20. The International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, which followed World War II, called the waging of aggressive war and I quote, “essentially an evil thing… to initiate a war of aggression… is not only an international crime; it is the supreme international crime, differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole.”
21. For centuries, Jews were much maligned in Europe and were persecuted viciously but strangely they had always found comfort and safe havens in Muslim countries.
22. Even Shakespeare caricatured the Jews in The Merchant of Venice in which Shylock, the vengeful money-lender came to be accepted as representative of the Jewish character. There is no such stories in the Muslim world.
23. But Shakespeare’s countrymen eventually decided to accept the Jews to the point when a Jew became the Prime Minister of England. The turnaround was complete when in 1917, the then British Foreign Secretary, Arthur James Balfour wrote the following letter to Lord Rothschild:
Foreign Office
November 2nd 1917
Dear Lord Rothschild:
I have much pleasure in conveying to you, on behalf of His Majesty’s Government, the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet:
His majesty’s Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.
I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation.
Arthur James Balfour (Emphasis added)
24. This infamous letter is now more commonly referred to as the Balfour Declaration.
25. From this Declaration, several facts are not and cannot be disputed as they have been expressly admitted by the then British Cabinet:
1) The entire land was known and recognised as Palestine;
2) There was already in existence in Palestine, non-Jewish communities. In fact they made up the majority;
3) It was the British Cabinet that approved the concept of a “national home” for the Jewish people and not the non-Jewish communities in Palestine who were not consulted;
4) Notwithstanding that Jews have been living in other countries, and have accrued political status and rights, the British Government deemed it fit and unilaterally decided that a Jewish national homeland be established in Palestine;
5) The letter was not addressed to a Head of State or a government but a representative of a mere organisation, the Zionist Federation.
26. I have stated earlier that Jews have been persecuted by the Europeans for centuries. Injustice had been inflicted upon the Jewish people.
27. But can such injustice be compensated by another injustice inflicted on another community, a community which had historically provided asylum for the persecuted Jews?
28. It does not look like Justice is being done.
29. On the contrary, Injustice has been done and worse still has been done blatantly in full view of the world. Equally blatantly the injustice is forcefully upheld, and insisted upon by the very people, the British, who had talked so much about justice and fair play.
30. In simple language, Palestine was stolen from the “non-Jewish communities” in Palestine and given to the minority Jewish community exclusively, to assuage the conscience of the Europeans. Despite British promise of the civil and religious rights of the existing non-Jewish communities, these people were violently expelled from Palestine and forced to live in exile for the last 60 years with no right of return.
31. Can we accept that this is the way for the Europeans to atone for their sins against the Jewish people?
32. The concept of mandated territory was proposed by the victors in the First World War. The understanding was that when the time came for the mandate to end, the original people of the territory would regain their land. There was no provision for the holders of this mandate to do just what they like to the territory concerned.
33. But it was the British who proposed that the mandated territory of Palestine be established as a national home of the Jewish people and not to the people indigenous to the territory.
34. It was an ill-thought out decision for the British Government must know that taking other people’s land to give to other people is wrong, very wrong. They must know it would lead to violence. They must know that even when they occupied their colonial territories, they had been forced to give them up to the indigenous people.
35. Palestine was not a piece of real estate owned by Lord Balfour or the British Government, to be given away at their whims and fancy!
36. There is no legal basis whatsoever, be it in English Common Law or the existing international laws for this act.
37. It was expropriation without parallel in history! What would the British people think if Surrey in England were to be offered by France or America as a homeland for the Jews, the Kurds or the Tamils of Sri Lanka and the people of Surrey be expelled.
38. Chaim Weizman, was very clear as to the objective of the Zionist Federation. He said and I quote:
39. “By a Jewish National Home, I mean the creation of such conditions that as a country is developed, we can pour in a considerable number of immigrants and finally establish such a society in Palestine that Palestine shall be Jewish as England is English, or America, American.” [i]
(Emphasis Added)
40. In fact, it is very obvious that the establishment of Israel is nothing short of seizing native land from the native people in order to give to the aliens in all but name. This has been admitted by David Ben Gurion, the first Prime Minister of Israel who said, I quote
41. “There is no chance of an understanding with the Arabs unless we first reach an understanding with the English, by which we will become the preponderant force in Palestine. What can drive the Arabs to a mutual understanding with us? Facts … only after we manage to establish a great Jewish fact in this country. Only then will the precondition for discussion be met.” [ii]
42. Obviously a Jewish fact did not exist before. There was only a Jewish minority. They had to artificially create this fact.
43. Israel Zangwill, a prominent Zionist was more blunt in expressing the intentions of the Zionist Federation. He said and I quote:
44. “We must be prepared either to drive out by sword the Arab tribes in possession as our fathers land or to grapple with the problem of a large alien population, mostly Mohammedans and accustomed for centuries to despise us…” [iii]
45. “If we wish to give a country to a people without a country, it is utter foolishness to allow it to be a country of two peoples. This can only cause trouble. The Jews will suffer and so will their neighbours. One of the two: a different place must be found either for the Jews or for their neighbours.” [iv] (Emphasis Added)
46. You may want to remind yourself that as a country with one people (Jews) the trouble that it has caused is horrendous. Ever since the country with one people was created there has been endless violence, conflicts and wars including the destruction of the World Trade Centre in New York and the acts of terrorism.
47. Lest I am accused of spreading the perception that all Jews hold the above views, let me say that there are many Jews who have condemned Zionism and the creation of Israel. In a letter dated September 21, 2003 to President George W. Bush, Torah True Jews Inc. wrote:
48. “… the ideology of Zionism is in utter opposition to our religion. We have been enjoined to be scrupulously loyal to the countries we reside in, and never seek to undertake to establish independent sovereignty in the Holy Land or anywhere throughout the world” [v] unquote.
49. I urge the leaders of the Muslim community to acquaint itself with such forthright leaders of the Jewish community.
50. It would be remiss of me, not to mention the courageous work of Rabbi Cohen who has been spreading a similar message for and on behalf of Neturei Karta.
51. I would like to quote Rabbi Cohen’s speech given on the occasion of the Conference – “The Palestinian People’s Right of Return to their Homeland”, in Beirut, Lebanon from the 23rd to 25th February 2005.
52. Rabbi Cohen said, “I bring you today a short simple message from Orthodox Jewry. Zionism and Judaism are total opposites, incompatible and diametrically opposed. Zionists can in no way represent Jewry. Anti-Zionism is not anti-Semitism. It is in the light of this statement that I wish to put over to you today the Orthodox Jewish approach to the question of the ‘Right of Return for the Palestinians’.
53. “Firstly, what is an orthodox Jew? An Orthodox Jew is a Jew who endeavours to live his life completely in accordance with the Jewish religion. The Jewish Religion absolutely forbids Zionism both on grounds of religious belief and on grounds of Jewish Religious values of humanitarianism as I hope to explain. This of course has a tremendous impact on the subject of this conference namely ‘The Palestinian People’s Right of Return’.
54. Rabbi Cohen continued, “Even if you see and hear on the media what appears to be Orthodox Jews supporting Zionism, rest assured, as I will explain, their approach is an aberration and a distortion of Judaism, an absolute departure from the teaching that has been handed down to us through the generations.
55. “Zionism has the ideal, and has always had the ideal, of imposing - let’s face it - a ’sectarian’ State over the heads of the Palestinians, the indigenous population. This has resulted in a terrible confrontation; a confrontation which has cost many lives both Palestinian and Jewish with no end in sight unless there is a very radical change.”
56. When I read these words of Rabbi Cohen, my faith in humanity in ensuring that Justice for the Palestinians will not only be done, but will be seen to be done, is reinforced.
57. There is indeed hope for the future.
58. There is hope for the Jews and the Palestinians to live in peace in the Holy Land, as indeed they had done for centuries before the creation of Israel.
59. There is hope that the three Abrahamic Faiths will co-exist in peace, so that the message of our one true God will bring joy and blessings not only for the present generation but to our children and their children too.
60. This surely must be the Justice that we should strive for.
61. The Jews and the Arabs are great people who have contributed much to humanity and civilisation. And both have suffered so much from colonialism and persecution through the ages.
62. Yet, today we see merciless wars being waged and wanton destruction inflicted on both sides.
63. The fog of wars has blurred our vision and our ability to grasp the fundamental truth that only in peace, will we find justice.
64. There cannot be justice when men, women and children are massacred with impunity, massacred legitimately.
65. There cannot be justice, when mothers and children are starving.
66. There cannot be justice, when children are denied their basic right to education and to realise their fullest potential.
67. There cannot be justice when there is no hope for a better future.
68. The Preamble to the UNESCO constitution states:
69. “… wars begin in the minds of human beings, it is in the minds of human beings that the defenses for peace should be built.”
70. But, instead of building defences, society has allowed and tolerated the young, our children, to be brainwashed for war, and more often than not, in the name of democracy and freedom.
71. The barbaric invasion of Iraq was grounded on the so-called irrefutable intelligence that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction and he was ready to unleash wanton destruction within 45 minutes and devastate Britain as alleged by the then Prime Minister Tony Blair and asserted in the “sexed-up intelligence dossier” headlined in leading British Tabloids and the BBC.
72. When the lie was exposed, President Bush and Prime Minister Blair justified further killings because tyrants needed to be overthrown for democracy and freedom to prevail!
73. Hamas was elected as the government for Palestine in place of Fatah in a fair and free election, but such an exercise in democracy cannot be tolerated because in the eyes of the United States, Britain, the European Union and Israel, an independent and sovereign government would not serve the interests of occupying powers.
74. The Palestinians in Gaza must therefore be collectively punished for committing the ultimate crime as defined by the Zionists and their allies – to elect a government of their choice and not that of Zionist Israel!
75. The punishment was massive and prolonged, starting with the blockade and deliberate starvation of the entire population of Gaza. When the war criminals felt sufficiently confident that the Palestinians would no longer be able to resist, they launched a bloody invasion to terrorise the people of Gaza into submission.
76. But the heroic Palestinians, uniting as one, put paid to these evil plans and persevered in defending themselves. There was no surrender despite the killings of their women and children.
77. The fate of the Gazan struck at the hearts of decent people everywhere and many risked their lives to go the aid of the Palestinians.
78. I am proud to have with us this morning in London, the Rt Hon Cynthia Mckinney, former member of the US Congress and lately, Presidential Candidate for the Green Party who together with the founders and members of the Free Gaza Movement braved stormy seas and Israeli gunboats to bring food and aid to the starving Gazans.
79. In one of these efforts, in which Cynthia was a participant, Israeli gunboats rammed her boat, knowing full well that she and her friends were on a humanitarian mission to save lives. She survived this ordeal and no doubt, later in the morning she will tell us her trials and tribulations in overcoming this ordeal.
80. Ladies and gentlemen, we must salute this courageous and indomitable lady fighter for justice and freedom.
81. A few weeks ago, another courageous man took up the challenge and led a convoy of over one hundred trucks to bring aid to Gaza and broke through the Rafah Checkpoint. The convoy traveled overland from UK to Gaza, a distance of over 20,000 kilometers.
82. He exemplifies the best qualities of the British.
83. In 2005, he joined us in Malaysia to launch the Kuala Lumpur Declaration to Criminalise War. He spoke with passion against war and crimes against humanity.
84. I missed his presence today, as he could not be with us.
Ladies and Gentlemen, please join me in saluting the Hon. George Galloway. He is now banned from entering Canada.
85. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the Rt. Hon. Tony Benn for joining us today. He has been and continues to be a staunch advocate for peace and justice for the Palestinians.
86. But we must look beyond such courageous efforts to help bring lasting peace to the Holy Land of Palestine.
87. Where and how do we begin?
88. Revisiting the Balfour Declaration is as good a beginning as any.
89. For it was in 1917, in London that this atrocious injustice was first conceived and therefore it is only right and proper that the Balfour Declaration be replaced with another declaration of intent here in London to be called - The London Declaration for Peace and Justice in Palestine.
90. The British people must atone for this injustice and the horrors that followed by ensuring that the British Parliament unanimously adopt such a declaration of intent and ensure that the international community implements its basic principles.
91. The detractors will say that such a proposal will never see the light of day.
92. But, I am convinced that there are enough men of goodwill here and elsewhere to ensure that it will.
93. For the last 60 years, we have been talking and debating about the crime, but not identifying the principal party that committed the crime.
94. If justice must be done and seen to be done, at the very least, the British Parliament, representing the entire British people must confront this injustice, as the Germans and Germany since World War II were made to confront the injustice and crimes committed against the Jews.
95. There cannot be double standard, nor can there be justice if the victors are allowed to lay down the law.
96. For too long have the British escaped the censure that they deserve.
97. Tony Blair has been appointed the Peace Envoy for the Quartet. When a known warmonger who told lies is appointed Envoy of Peace, it is cynicism at its worse.
98. Any effort to establish peace in Palestine must, if we are sincere, begin with the abrogation of the Balfour Declaration.
99. Just as Holocaust Memorials have been erected in Germany, America and other countries to remind present and future generations of the injustice committed against the Jews, the ultimate and lasting memorial to the injustice inflicted on the Palestinians must be the total rejection of the Balfour Declaration. The British people and their Parliament must do this.
100. As William Wilberforce did with the slave trade, so must the members of the British Parliament redeem their honour by abrogating the Balfour Declaration.
101. There can be no peace without admission of guilt and contrition by the culprit. Then, and then only will there be atonement for the grievous wrong which has wreaked havoc and death in the Middle East and elsewhere over the past 60 years.
102. Any British effort to promote peace in the Holy Land will ring hollow when its leaders have not owned up to the betrayal of the Palestinians.
103. Rightly, the Palestinians should be demanding retribution. But they are not.
104. They are only seeking justice.
105. If we are asked for a precedent, I need look no further than the courageous reconciliation that was fostered in what was once White Supremacist South Africa!
106. For generations, it was unthinkable and even a taboo to consider that the Africans were capable of governing themselves and to live in peace with their white fellow citizens.
107. Every rationale and excuse was given to justify the Apartheid regime and the inevitable injustice.
108. But the far-sighted leaders of South Africa, especially the courageous Nelson Mandela and de Clerk, banished hatred and vengeance from their hearts, so that reconciliation and human decency could prevail, and today black and white live, work and play together.
109. We meet here in London where the decision was made which we now know is wrong, a decision that had plunged the Middle East and indeed the world into 60 years of war, of senseless killings and material destruction, of the tragedy of 9/11, the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq, and of Gaza.
110. We can help redeem all this if our meeting can come up with a proposal for a solution to the Palestinian tragedy. We cannot bring back the dead but we can prevent more deaths. And we can do this if we resolve here and now to bring the two parties together to discuss and to negotiate so as to return to the status quo ante, i.e. the recreation of a state where Arabs and Jews can live together in peace and at least relative harmony.
111. I propose this because this was the solution for my own country, Malaysia, where the Malays agreed to share their country with the Chinese and Indians whose forebears migrated to our shores and decided to settle down there. They retain their ethnicity but they are all Malaysians.
112. It will be a difficult task for Jews and Arabs but God willing they will triumph in the end.
113. I thank you all for your presence.
114. Let our enlightenment and understanding be not in vain.
[i] Nur Masalha, citing “The Address to the English Zionist Federation” 1919, Jewish Chronicle. May 20 1921, in Arie Bober, ed: The Other Israel (1972, New York Garden City, Double Day)
[ii] Nur Masalha, citing Protocol of the Jewish Agency Executive Meeting on June 7, 1938 in Jerusalem, Vol 28, No 51, Central Zionist Archives. See also Morris, The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem, at p24.
[iii] Nur Masalha, citing Israel Zangwill, Speeches, Articles and Letters (1937, London, The Soncino Press)
[iv] Nur Masalha, citing Yosef Grony, Zionism and the Arabs: 1882-1948 (1987, Oxford Clarendon Press)
[v] See, Washington Post, October 5, 2003 See also
apalah kerja si-muslim ini?
tak habis-habis mengenal dirinya...
sememangnya baik tun jadi penasihat UMNO, tapi kita perlu ingat Kekuatan UMNO bukan terletak di tangan TUN, tetapi terletak di tangan orang UMNO bukan pemimpin UMNO kerana pemimpin yang ada rasanya kebanyakkannya PERASUAH kerana itu rombakan secara total akan membuahkan hasil yang baik dengan tiada ganggu gugat oleh pemimpin yang RASUAH
YBhg Dato
Saya pun setuju sangat dengan Kluangman. Biarlah Tun bersara dengan damai. Sekali-sekala mintalah pendapat beliau.
kalau nak UMNO rebah dan kecundang pd PRU 13 nanti lantiklah Tun M sebagai Penasihat Kerajaan. Apa yang telah di buatnya selama 22 tahun menjadi Presiden UMNO dan Perdana Menteri?? Kenapa rasuah, korupsi dan salah guna kuasa tidak beliau perangi habis-habisan dalam UMNo dan Kerajaan ketika beliau berkuasa dahulu?? Hinggakan Pak lah terpaksa mewarisi pimpinan yang telah sedia korup di serahkan oleh Tun M?? Percayalah jika tidak dek kerana politik wang, ugutan, tekanan oleh Tun M, Tun Daim dan DSAI, lama sudah Tun M tersungkur di tangan Tengku Razaleigh pada 1987. Bukankah kita semua tahu Dr. M memerintah secara "pecah dan perintah" + kuku besi serta menyimpan semua "syaitan yang di kenalinya" supaya semua syaitan tersebut tunduk kepada beliau. Alahai Kuda Kepang kenapa la ni menari sumbang?!!!
Ini satu usaha yang baik. Sangat perkasa pencetus idea seperti ini. Jangan lupa untuk ikut sertakan Pak Lah jua. Dia juga negarawan, walau tidak setinggi Tun.
Jangan pula dijadikan kumpulan negarawan ulung ini sebagai pemecah bangsa pula...
Tahniah Perdana Menteri Malaysia ke-6;
Najib Razak
(03 April '09)
Apa nak lagi
gembira tak terperi
Najib dah jadi Perdana Menteri
terkabul sudah mimpi
menunggu hari-hari
Akhirnya Pak Lah dah pun pergi
Najib jangan lupa janji
Perubahan UMNO bila lagi?
kita tak nak tunggu lama lagi
Nanti UMNO jadi basi
Rosmah mesti jaga diri
jangan pulak tak sedar diri
nanti makan diri
Najib pulak kena "gantung diri" !!
Tak perlulah buat masuk orang tua tu. Bagilah peluang orang muda dan baru pulak.
Bagilah Najib peluang. TDM dah basi. Berehatlah TDM. Main ngan cucu jer
Adalah lebih baik Tun Mahathir hatta Tun Abdullah tidak dilantik sebagai penasihat kerajaan (secara rasmi). Mereka lebih efektif dan kritis jika berada di luar sistem.
Umum mengetahui betapa lembapnya UMNO/BN untuk berubah. Tun Mahathir pun terpaksa jadi 'katak' lompat keluar-masuk UMNO hanya untuk menegur pemimpin UMNO. Adakah kita perlu melihat lagi Tun Mahathir menjadi katak semula atau Tun Abdullah pula cuba menjadi katak...?!? Mana tahu Tun Abdullah terlebih lompat dan tiba-tiba jadi Mursyidul Am PAS...?!? Kuasa Allah melangkaui segala-galanya...?!?
Zaman gemilang kedua-dua Tun tersebut sudah berakhir. Akan tetapi buah fikiran mereka masih ada baiknya. Terpulang kepada kebijaksanaan DS Najib mengendaalikannya.
Dari sebarang blog
In the process, Muhyiddin has “regained” Dr Mahathir’s confidence and respect. Muhyiddin is expected to play key role in rebuilding the party, starting with leading the charge in the three ongoing by-elections.
saya lebih gemar barack hussein obama PM one malaysia: change we need.
nato bikin modern mountain fortresses and behave very much like the romans in the land of David 'alaihis salam, mas.
Game Over
(lagi lima tahun)
Mahathir Has No Intention To Be Govt Advisor
SUNGAI PETANI, April 6 (Bernama) -- Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad on Monday said he had no intention of becoming government advisor even if offered the post.
However, the former prime minister said he was willing to unofficially give advice or whenever asked by the government.
"When they ask for a little advice, I can oblige, but there's no need to make me (government) advisor," he said when speaking at the function, "An Evening with Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad: Outstanding Statesman", here.
Dr Mahathir who applied to rejoin Umno last Saturday, humbly said that he was not someone who knew everything but he could share with others, his experience as prime minister for 22 years.
"My experience is not much, only 22 years as prime minister," he said in jest.
His presence at the Mara Skills Training Institute (IKM) hall, attracted over 5,000 people from all races and walks of life who thronged the place since early evening.
Dr Mahathir, who had earlier met the people in Taiping, said his willingness to meet the people was merely to serve for the sake of society, religion and country.
"Seeing so many people in this hall, I feel like contesting (in an election) again," he joked.
Then in a more serious tone, the former premier said he was over 80 now and too old to contest.
"Cannot be asking for too much. Give the younger ones the chance to serve," he said.
Dr Mahathir received a standing ovation and thunderous applause from the crowd after he ended his speech and was then surrounded by those wanting to shake his hands as he was leaving the hall.
post Sub-Prima era is a new era and Tun is out of depth on the international front and global economics, actually - maybe nazir najib's youngest brother has a better head inherited from his father Tun Abdul Razak.
(do you think the north koreans and the chinese are just playing for fun like the russians, che det? the chinese ah longs...will make singapore kow tow, mas)
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